Ariana Burrell

Founder & CEO, ARI Wellness Co.


A little bit about Ariana…

Ariana lives to inspire others to achieve more healthy, active, and balanced lives. She started her career at the University of Oregon working with many students and athletes aiming to bridge the gap between fitness and wellness. After obtaining her Bachelors of Science in Human Physiology and Psychology, she moved back home to California and joined the team of one of the most prominent sports professionals in the world, Kobe Bryant’s Mamba’s Sports Academy. At Mamba’s, Ariana launched her own brand Body By Ari, where she transformed the bodies and minds of CEO’s, professional athletes, and local employees in the Southern California area. It quickly evolved into a lifestyle that helped many individuals transition into achieving a healthier mind and body. Today she is partnered with numerous corporations - Union Bank, Los Angeles Chargers, Vanity Planet, Amgen, and Compass - delivering wellness services from Yoga and Bootcamp classes, to health fairs and nutrition seminars that encourage individuals to aspire to be the best version of themself. 

How to connect with Ariana and ARI Wellness Co….

ARI Wellness Co.’s Website

Ariana’s LinkedIn Page


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